GDPR for Landlords of Commercial and Residential Tenants
General Data Protection Regulation came into effect from 25th May 2018. Don’t forget Data Protection Act 2018 should be read side...Read More

Law Society Publishes Practice Note for Solicitors on Immigration and Asylum Appeal
The Law Society has published its practice note on immigration appeal which includes detailed advice on the following and it has...Read More

Jay Visva Solicitors secures Law Society’s conveyancing quality mark
Jay Visva Solicitors in Hayes, Middlesex has secured membership to the Law Society’s Conveyancing Quality Scheme –...Read More

The Court of Appeal overturned the earlier decision of the Upper Tribunal which ended the right of appeal of extended family members of EEA Citizens
The Court of Appeal overturned the earlier decision of the Upper Tribunal which ended the right of appeal of extended family...Read More

Letter from the British Prime Minister for EU Citizens in the UK
The British Prime Minister has given some positive gestures for EU Citizens in respect of their residence in the UK after the...Read More

Offences and Defences under the Licensing Act 2003
If you are an owner of a business selling alcohol for consumption, you should know the offences that may be committed under the...Read More